RESCHEDULED! New date to be determined
Please join us for the
20th Annual Cheryl Hannabury Memorial
"Celebration of Life"
Community Cocktail Party
Saturday, March 28th, 6:00-9:00pm
Tickets to the event are $50 and are available for advance purchase below and tickets will also be sold at the door for $60.
To purchase your tickets in advance, please click the "Buy Now" button below.
Please note advance purchasing will add your name to our "Paid Guest" list upon check in.
No physical tickets will be mailed or needed to be picked up.
This year's celebratory event will take place at the beautiful, newly renovated Shelter Island History Center. Please join us for live music, wine, beer, light fare, our signature auction baskets and much much more!
*We are always in need of new prizes to auction and gratefully welcome any donation.
We hope to see you at this year's event!